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What Inspires Me with Noa Staryk

Posted by Hope Nartonis on

Range Magazine 

“Redoing spaces is my jam,” says Noa Staryk, who, with her family, moved to Jackson from Minneapolis in 2011 after vacationing here several times a year starting in the 1990s. She and husband Ted own Snake River Brewing—they bought it in 2006, before they lived here—and when they went shopping for office space in 2012, it was a 1930s cabin on Pearl Avenue that caught her eye. After remodeling it for nine months, the couple used it as their offices until 2016, when Staryk took it over for the boutique Nest. “I had always wanted to have a small shop filled with things I loved,” she says. Formerly the home of Gladys and John Wort (John and his brother, Jess, built The Wort Hotel in downtown Jackson), today the cabin displays shoes and racks full of colorful clothing sourced from around the world. “I’m much more confident with interiors than I am with clothing, but I love the challenge of a steep learning curve,” Staryk says.

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