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Nest opens on West Bank with a charitable party

Posted by Hope Nartonis on

Jackson Hole News & Guide

Clothing and household goods retailer Nest plans to celebrate its new West Bank location and do some good for the community at the same time.

With Teton Youth and Family Services, it will host opening festivities from 5 to 7 p.m. March 12.

There will be snacks, and if you buy something, 10% of the proceeds will go to Teton Youth and Family Services to benefit children and families.

Nest’s new shop is located at 3445 N. Pines Way in Wilson. It's a space that previously housed a Belle Cose clothing store.

That shopping area has welcomed several new faces over the past year as Jackson businesses have extended their operations to the west side of the Snake River. They include M, a sister store to Made; the Wilson Book Gallery, a sibling of the Jackson Whole Book Trader; and Persephone West Bank, from the same family that operates Persephone and Picnic in Jackson.

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